Rose and Bryn arrive! This is the beginning of our family Yuletide gathering. Since Rose, Bryn, Chris and Ashlee couldn't all get up north on Christmas, we decided to have the celebration on the weekend after New Years. Well Peg and I were sick on that weekend and other things got in the way on other weekends, and we finally got it together for the 27th of January.....

Peg and I planned things out, made some little sticky notes of who was doing what tasks, which we stuck to the cupboard doors...... maybe we were a little too anxious about the meal, but what the heck.

Peg started early and got all the potatoes and sweet spuds peeled and into pans of water. Big job out of the way! The day before I had made a pumpkin chifon pie (I only do that cause I like it) and Peg had made an apple pie and a pan of apple crisp.

I pan fried a huge batch of venison loin with mushrooms an onions. We also had a roaster of chicken in the oven, rolls to heat, and Peg made her famous green beans with mushroom soup and french fried onions.

Remember those sweet spuds? Rosie got the job of boiling them and getting them onto a pan in preparation for the next step.

Meanwhile the southern crew arrived, the house slowly filling up, getting noisier and smelling more like Christmas dinner.....

Bryn had the job of getting the sweet spuds covered with butter, brown sugar and marshmallows.Exactly what she is doing here remains a mystery. I seem to remember some of the same antics from others at a past Thanksgiving day get-together....

Well, with dinner and dishes a thing of the past, it looked like Hailee was getting restless and kept eyeing the tree and presents.. so only one option remained--LET'S GET THE SHOW ON THE ROAD!!

Oh, yeah, books are cool.

Donna got a nice necklace.

Books are nice, but these giant blocks are the cat's ..... uh, meow. Yeah, that's it.

What's better than ribbon as a necklace? Another cheap gift that we fail to use...

Hold on! These blocks really kick it!

I think the grown-ups liked the blocks as much as Hailee, but from a distance.

Hmmmm.... I got this "gift" from me dear mither 'n law. I don't know what the import of it was, or if I should be offended!
Anyway, I'm going to leave you on your own for a few more pics.....

Kids and their toys.

"It's for you, granny...."

As usual, one of the most interesting items was a corrugated box. Never fails..
Next morning Rosie gave Hailee a lesson on computer operation....
So that's how it went, good food, relaxation and a good time was had by all. I do believe we'll do it again next year!!
_____________Hey, shovel that snow, would ya???_____________

No text until we see if this is going to work. What do you think so far????
I gotta go, Carlo
So far so good.
You know Carlo,you really are performing a great service for all of us. The blog seems to be one place that everybody can check out, comment, post news, whatever to just stay connected as a family. Thanks for you past time and efforts. I applaud you. (yes and your friends that stop by the blog from time to time also)
I hope this one keeps working.
Jist gonna wait a bit to see if the pix stick.
I'll let you know....
I gotta go, Carlo
lovely xmas pictures!!! Keep up the good work. Lucy
The old version of this blog is alive and well, through the end of 2006. In January posts the pix disappeared, the text remained. Some posts I have deleted, will probably clean the rest up sometime and keep the blog as an archive site.
It's been a week since I put up photos on this blog, maybe my troubles have not followed to this one. I'm gunshy, but will post again soon and see what happens.
I gotta go,Carlo
wow!!! aye ain't never seen this side ov da blog beefour!!! kinda like the won beefour except not like it too! aye hope it works, cuz it's good to see good things happen to good people at good times, and other times too!
Hey, boxer, wanna get in the air?????
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