Friends of Ottertail Landing Strip (F.O.O.L.S.) has begun the brush burning process. After last years logging and bulldozing, we were left with five big brush piles.

On Saturday F.O.O.L.S prepared the largest of the piles for inciner- ation. This photo is, of course, is from last fall as I didnt' think to document the pile before torching it..... it was about nine feet tall and not much dirt in it. Chuck, the dozer man, did an excellent job of gathering the burnables from the work area.

We put a bunch of burnable garbage in three locations on the North side of the pile, added some drain oil to each spot and spread about 1/2 gallon of oil on the brush above the starters. Then a little shot of gas on each one, add a match to each one and voila, you have a nice blaze.

The photo above was taken from the deck on the back of the house. After lighting the pile, I realized I had no camera with me, so I went to the house, got the camera and took that shot about 10 minutes after igniting the pile.

We lit the pile right at dusk and it was a really nice evening. Some of the neighbor kids were around on snowmo- biles and they stopped to see the fire.

We stood around and watched the fire, drank a few Coors and enjoyed being out at night. The fire was amazing and after about one and a half hours it was mostly gone! As it calmed down we were able to throw in some of the reamins that had burned off. After two hours we dicided to leave it and go back to the house.

This is what it looked like two and a half hours after lighting. I'm not sure what the purple color is about, probably a digital limitation of the photo god.....

Here is what it looked like the following morning. Most of what is left is frozen to the ground, so will wait a while to regroup the remains for a second fire. We had such a good time that tonight we are going to light up the second brush pile on the West side of the clearing. That will leave three piles on the East side for future fun.....
So watch for F.O.O.L.S. updates. Maybe you would like to share a bonfire some night!
1 comment:
Negative, birds know better than to show up in this area before May.....
I gotta go, Carlo
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