
Yikes!! 'Tis March!!

I'm not sure what has caused yram's pics to disappear, but I'm going to try this anyway. The weather is a little warmer but it's not spring yet in Northcentral Wisconsin!! We are supposed to get into the low 40's this weekend--we'll see. I've got some outside work to tackle and Ivan and I are going to get some time in the air. That has been a long time coming and not to get put off anymore.

In other news, check out the view of Green Island!

And you may want to check this site to get your 'puter ready for the early daylight savings time change.

Here's a great looking bike. It uses an engine made byRotec Radial, a place in Australia. It's just like that bad boy in the plane behind it, except the plane has a nine cylinder while the bike is a seven. They are just about the coolest engines I've ever seen.

And if it has seven cylinders, I guess seven exhaust pipes make sense. I'll bet it's loud but that radial engine sound is unique. I would love to see this in person, and maybe I will. This bike was at Oshkosh Airventure last year, maybe they will be back.

This is what they look like on the inside. Most have an odd number of cylinders and the firing order proceeds around the circle firing every other cylinder. That way, every two revolutions of the engine lets each cylinder fire and go through it's cycle.

I looked at a website a while ago that had a bunch of old personalized Christmas cards from years back. Some were quite bizarre, but this was the classiest of the lot. Go figure.....

Anyone know much about operating a webcam online? They are not very expensive and the software can be gotten free, but I'm wondering what all is involved in the process. Anyone out there running one, or know someone who's running one?

Anyone recognize the goings-on in this photo?

_____________Hey, shovel that snow, would ya???_____________


Anonymous said...

Dat's a very nice a blog dar hey!! Wutz goin on in da piktur? I think reverend Jim(on the broom) and the cop are chasing the dragon,(ahh chasing the dragon) it looks like the girl iz hugging the dragon and the guy wanta ta grab sum tail and gotz holda da leg, and the star iz bearly high enough so it wantz sum ov da dragon too!! And wutz a photo without a kute bear in it?

yram said...

look at the radial and pipes and cylinders and are you speaking English...the king's english??? help me Rhonda.
Know nothing about webcams but I know there are lots of them out there and I think many that seem to be run by folks with questionable intelligence so reckon you can figure it out. would be great!
Should we recognize the goings on in the photo???? hmmmmm. I like the Jim Johnson reference. The scariest guy ever.

yram said...

the picture looks kinda like a quidditch match in Harry Potter books.

Carlo said...

Hmmm... I think he meant Rev. Jim on Taxi???? But I agree, the other guy was un-nerving. Was that Jim Jones? Whatever....

I can't comment on the mystery photo until R or B chime in.....

Anonymous said...

Been in fla golfing. Cool scooter,and looks fun to ride.

Carlo said...

I'm waiting to hear it....