2007 First Annual Carlson Pinochle Tourney
Paul and Candace hosted what we hope to be the first of many pinochle tournaments at their lovely home in West Bend. Attendees included Jenny, Liz, Dennis (bystander), Kate, Mary, John, Paul and Candace. With only 7 active players, we had one table of four and one table of three. The three table, needless to say, held the losers who were allowed to rotate and play the winning team at the 4 table.
As you can see from the picture, Paul layed a few ground rules. Violators were given demerits with Liz and Jenny being the most overt overseers. We were all amused by the fact that Paul received one of the first black marks when he ignored rule #3: "only strong voiced monotone bids will be accepted". You can imagine...a breathy and tremulous 20 with a whimsical tilt of the head. sheesh!
Liz and Candace were a strong team and the two of them along with the 3rd in line, the violator himself played a 3 handed run off at the end of the day. Liz Carlson walked away with the trophy and the complimentary signed autograph of card shark "Sly Boots".

Click on the photo for a close up of Sly Boots...our hero! Needless to say, there was vast amounts of smart talk, great food, plenty to drink and countless laffs.
The side entertainment was a hoot as well. P & C's new Mac with a built in camera and fun softward gave us losers something to do while waiting for the elite to fall. Here is a sample of our fun...
Isn't this just awful? And this is not the worst! heehee...isn't it wonderful how adults can become laughing hyennas at the silliest things?
It was just a ton of fun and it is always exciting to be present at the beginning of what we hope to be a long tradition.
Some final photos of the day. We sure missed Lucy!
Had lots of fun!!!! Even though I didnt win one game. boo hoo
Thanks for photshopping out Mt. Fugi!!!!!!!!
All should come to the next one.
Love the picture of Gene in the blog or so down.
take care everyone
Not the disappearing photos again!!! Aaarrggghhhhh..... if this happens again, I'm done for sure with this blog.
I gotta go, Carlo
Mae bee sum won gav yoo sum dis a peering ink and yoo doent noe it yet!!! And a nutterthing, wut abuet starding anutter blog? iz it difacalt tue start anutter won?
I think you should re-post some more photos and see what happens. The three that you did seem to be hanging in there.....
I'll try a new post and see what happens.
I gotta go, Carlo
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