We were greeted Tuesday morning by two inches of lovely, fluffy white magic. I thought this may be able to allow me to burn more brush piles, but it was mostly melted in the field by late afternoon.

I spent seven hours working in the woods at the south end of the field. It's nearly all cut, a good share of the brush and limbs removed from the area. I pulled the trees, limbs and all, out in the field proper so I could cut into firewood, then push the limbs into the woods with the back blace on the tractor.
Another F.O.O.L.S. sponsored event, what can I say????
By the way, the photo in last post that was obviously taken in the basement, is of the new basement plumbing nightmare. One drain takes the shower, sinks and laundry water to parts unknown. That drain became severely sluggish about a month or so ago. It got to the point that a single shower would cause water to back up onto the basement floor. So.... I cut the drain pipe before it left the basement, put in an elbow and some sump pump hose so all the water went into the luandry tub. This is where the washing machine water went anyway, so that was allright. I plugged the tub drain and put in a submersable sump pump which puts the gray water out to the south lawn... temporary fix till the ground is thawed and I can work on the drain..... looking forward to that!
You should ask R or B about the age thing. It's classic old time radio with all the voices and stuff.
We saw 6 pickups out on Duroy in Phillips this morning... guess there is still plenty of ice on the lakes here.
Yep Carlo darz moor eyez dan eye care tue sea fur da tyme bean. DOH! I think itall melt thoe...and sune eye hoep!!! havHAPPYdae!!
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