
Friends Of Ottertail Landing Strip (F.O.O.L.S.) Update.

Don't forget to double click those pictures to get a larger size. These fire photos really look neat when enlarged.....

The F.O.O.L.S. were at it again. This time we started a little earlier.
Peg demon- strates the size of the pile......

The flames were not quite as overwhelm- ing looking as they are at night, but it was fun anway.

It took off really fast and burned very hot. No dirt at all in this one as it was the only pile we had made completely by hand.

This pile was smaller but burned longer because of the greater percentage of larger pieces of wood. We kept throwing the outside stuff back on the fire and it stayed HOT for several hours.

They really look cool when it gets dark. Three piles to go, may have to wait until later this week so the predicted snow will be covering the ground again. It's getting too thin out there to qualify as "snow covered", which allows you to burn whenever you want to without a permit.

Stay tuned for more updates.


Carlo said...

I'll have to consult those F.O.O.L.S. to get that information.

Deb said...

ARE YOU CRAZY??? With all that smoke and flames, the Comanches are going to see you for sure!- hahaha. (accounting is making me completely mental)

Deb said...

And great name for your organization, too! Where is this landing strip going to go -- in the old baseball outfield? Wait -- I bet you heard a voice saying "if you build it, they will fly in here", right? I must say, I have a much easier time leaving idiotic comments on this blog than on Mary's - it always tells me to come back later.

Carlo said...

Build it and they will land..... has a nice ring to it.
It will be on the east side of the house running north and south through most of the old field.

President of F.O.O.L.S., Carlo

Anonymous said...

Has anyone notice the forms the fire is taking when photographed?
Kinda cool eh!!! I think I may like the woman dancing one the best, but they are all quite good.
Have a WONDERFUL day peepol!!

Carlo said...

Ivan, you are right!! I see it now...

Eisor, let me know as soon as you can. I don't think there will be a fire unless we get some snow... which is possible, I guess.

I gotta go, Carlo